Tuesday, May 19, 2020


D E M I - D A R K  E R A  M U S I C

DEMI   is  an underground   rapper  from 
KISHTWAR  who's  real  name  is  
PRADHUMAN . He's   popularly  known  as  DEMI.
He  is  a  Lyrical Hindi  Rapper. He  mostly  write  raps on his  current  life  situation. He also do mixing, mastering & video editing.

S H O M I K 

SHOMIK is  also an underground  rapper having  amazing  skill   to do  freestyle. His real  name is AKASH  PARIHAR. He's popularly  known  as  SHOMIK.  He do mostly Punjabi GANGSTER  type  rap.         



SAHIL is one of the best singer in our list. He is from kishtwar. He also write melodious songs & do cover of Hindi & Punjabi songs.

M E - Y T    D E V I L

ME-YT DEVIL an underground  rapper who writes deep HINDI lines & story type raps. His real name is GURMEET. He's known as ME-YT DEVIL  in HIPHOP  SCENE.  He's also from KISHTWAR.

M R.  P A R I H A R

INDER PARIHAR who's is popularly known as MR.PARIHAR. He's a singer, an underground  rapper & a story writer. He's multi-talented . He raps in Punjabi & Hindi language. 

M E D I C A T E D   M O R L A Y

MEDICATED MORLAY is also an underground rapper & have a unique style of rapping. His Real Name is RAVI SHARMA. He's basically from udhampur & He's currently living in Kishtwar. He do gangster type of raps mostly.

T H E   L Y R I C A L L Y   I N S A N E     (  R O H I T  )

RO-HIT is also an underground rapper who raps in Hindi language. He is lyrically insane rapper. He have deep meaning in his raps. His real name is ROHIT RATHORE. He's from Kishtwar.

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